Daily Lesson Lesson Structure
LL & Nursery
Daily maths meeting and 'number of the moment'
Maths activities, learning opportunities and provocations throughout continuous provision
Daily fluency- Mastering Number
Maths Lesson following KS1 & KS2 lesson structure described below- this takes place across the week
Maths activities, learning opportunities and provocations throughout continuous provision.
KS1 & KS2
Revisit/Review (Maths Memory)
Review previously taught knowledge and concepts.
We use an image which links to a problem to inspire discussion, we use open ended questiong such as 'What do you notice?'. The children are encouraged to share with a partner what they can see. We then discuss the problem as a group. Children then use manipulatives to solve the problem and are given an opportunitiy to discuss their methods with a partner and the class.
Journals! Children draw out the manipulatives used to support them solve the problem. Children encouraged to talk about their journaling, including sharing what each number and picture represents in their journal. Children to be able to share how they have solved the problem and the method they used.
Think Together
Teacher and children to work together to solve some further questions in a 'I do, we do, you do' style. Children use manipulatives to support as needed.
Children work independently to complete activities and questions.
Consolidate today's learning