Voice 21

Voice 21 Experiences Road Map.jpg


Our school’s vision for oracy is to ensure all children have the best possible starting points and leave our school with the best possible opportunities with an understanding across all staff that oracy unlocks potential, promotes collaboration, supports emotional well-being and is a key skill that children will use to thrive in their futures.


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In Year 4. we are working on the folllowing Oracy targets:

? To consider movement when addressing an audience.
? To use pauses for effect in presentational talk e.g. when telling a anecdote or telling a joke.

? To carefully consider the words and phrasing they use to express their ideas and how this supports the purpose of talk.

? To be able to give supporting evidence e.g. citing a text, a previous example or a historical event.
? To ask probing questions.
? To reflect on their own oracy skills and identify areas of strength and areas to improve.

Social and emotional
? To use more natural and subtle prompts for turn taking.
? To be able to empathise with an audience.
? To consider the impact of their words on others when giving feedback.






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