Wellbeing Warriors


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MHST  Wellbeing Champions Pilot Programme:

" I am completely  and absolutely overwhelmed with your enthusiasm, dedication, commitment, knowledge and kindness."

Sarah Unwin Education Mental Health Practitioner Wirral CAMHS

We are one of four schools in the Wirral, who are part of a pilot scheme to train and develop children as Wellbeing Warriors.

Wellbeing Warriors are children who have shown a real interest in championing positive mental health and wellbeing.  These children are keen to share their learning around mental health and advertise the importance of self-care. The Warriors have a responsibility for leading and promoting the five ways to wellbeing throughout school, they drive the message forward and reduce the stigma around talking about challenging feelings and encourage people to talk. Wellbeing Warriors provide feedback on what’s working well and highlight any gaps in whole-school approaches to wellbeing. 

Our Wellbeing Warriors are inspirational young people and we are exceptionally proud of the work they do to champion the voices of all our children.



The Wellbeing Warrior team have been finding ways to promote the '5 Ways to Wellbeing'.
Already, they have focused on:
1. 'Be Active' by promoting Fitness Fridays
2. 'Take Notice' by introducing Mindful Mondays and giving class teachers mindfulness strategies and resources
3.This term, they are working on 'Give'. They will be encouraging other children to give compliments, give time, share and kind words.


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4. Next, our Warriors focussed on 'Connect'. They are looking at how they can make connections across the school e.g. talking, checking, being aware, inviting to play and lunctime activities.            




Our Wellbeing Warriors met with Sarah Unwin, Education Mental Health Practitioner. Sarah wanted to complete some evaluations of the project and to see how things were going. The Warriors reflected on their work this year with pride and  talked about the impact the programme had had on their own mental health and wellbeing.

We were very proud of all our Wellbeing Warriors and the way they spoke about their achievements. They spoke, knowing their voices had value, articulating their thoughts so others will listen. logo_2_2019_05_10_01_06_38_pm-695x130.png



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