Our News items
Attendance Update, by Mrs Stanley
Every Moment Matters, by Mrs Stanley
Voice 21 Centre of Excellence, by Miss Kingsley
Attendance, by Mrs Stanley
SENDLO Live, by Mrs Walsh
Teach your Monster to Read!, by Miss Honey
The Big Ambition, by Mrs Stanley
Children in Need, by Miss Honey
Working Together to Improve School Attendance, by Miss Honey
New community group distributing free food across Wirral as cost of loving crisis bites, by Mrs Stanley
Early Explorers- Baby/Toddler Group!, by Miss Kingsley
Liverpool Hope awards Grove Street 'Outstanding Partner Award', by Miss Kingsley
Voice 21- National Conference, by Miss Kingsley
COVID-19, by Mrs Stanley
Transition Day, by Mrs Stanley
Our Shop, by Mrs Stanley
Claire House, by Miss Honey
Holidays During Term Time, by Miss Honey
Attendance Update, by Mrs Stanley
School Spider Tutorial, by Miss Honey
School Mental Health Award, by Mrs Stanley
Red Nose Day, by Mrs Walsh
New Ferry Spring Craft Fair, by Miss Honey
Invitation to Play, by Mrs Walsh
Cyberbullying Workshop, by Mrs Walsh